Excellent. And this applies to those in America who have decided to abandon capitalism for something that only creates a greater economic divide between the elites who benefit from less competition and greater control of the economy and those who will suffer from less economic opportunity.

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💯 - Entrepreneurial capitalism is the best guarantor of widespread prosperity anywhere and everywhere in the world!

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I don't like any of the ideas because they've been perverted. You cannot commit to capitalism without dealing with the established crony capitalism of the West, or the corruption at the top of most African states.. Socialism is a great idea that failed because it was in the hands of populists.

Government controlled economy? Hard to define when China is excluded and there's Singapore. Even Norway, after all it's based on oil which is the country's main bank account. What about corporate-controlled economies?

The world is a mess because fighting corruption and ensuring education have been replaced with the distracting and destructive battle of ideologies, of which capitalism has become one.

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