I'm a male individualist, and you've taken the words right out of my mouth.

So many people 'cry freedom' when they're really demanding conformity. And freedom will never be gained by playing follow the leader. Follow your heart. Follow your intellect. Sit and do nothing, if it suits you. But do NOT follow the leader. You know where you want to go better than they do, or at least you should.

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I agree wholeheartedly.

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I whole heartedly agree - I am a 50 single, never married and fiercely independent believing that "I don't need a man" and now here I am unlearning all the lies we were told growing up by the "feminists". Western society has gotten it all wrong, growing up as quickly as possible, leaving home to pay rent to a stranger, build other people's businesses, paying for childcare and eating takeaway because running a household, having jobs and paying mortgages is "progress. I am reading your book Magatte and when I am finished would love to connect and be part of your revolution. Thank you for all that you do. Clodagh

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Awwwwe! I am so touched to hear you are reading my book. I definitely look forward to your thoughts after you have read it.

As for the the misguided ideas so many feminists have been selling women, I am just so glad you made your own realizations 🙌🏾

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I forgot who the woman was, but an old woman was interviewed by a YouTube streamer (sorry, again forgot who) a few years ago, or less, and she basically said that she was part of the original group of feminists in a European country, and almost immediately it was infiltrated by Marxists from the USSR, who were always for what we're currently seeing, and they were the first to make it unofficially about hatred of men.

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Wow! I have not heard of this particular tale, but I would not be surprised if true. I will dig around.

The co-opting of a very valid cause to build and justify a hate campaign as a response is definitely a Marxist MO .

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I just now remembered who the YT streamer was who interviewed the old feminist of 1st wave.

MTR (Mediocre Tutorial & Reviews).

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After I replied the above I still needed to go home.

Once I got home and after I ate, I searched up MTR's YT channel, then once there, I searched "feminist interview" then tried another with a third word. Unfortunately, I couldn't find that specific vid. Don't know if YT removed it. I do remember watching it and it was over an hour long, possibly even over three hours long.

I also remember some of the specifics in it but I was prefering you to see and hear for yourselves.

One of the things she mentioned was that the feminists insisted that there should be both homeless shelters for women and also abuse victims shelters for women, so she added that when she said that there should also be for men, her fellow feminists ended up eventually yelling at her saying that men should get nothing good and only bad because men deserve nothing good and that women deserve everything good and nothing bad.

She was talking about the BEGINNINGS of 1st wave feminism.

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Whoah!! I am gonna see if i can find the piece. Thabk you for this information

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I stopped calling myself feminist awhile ago, I am glad I did. I have never felt like they spoke for women like myself, it was a club I didn't belong to, because I don't belong to any clubs. I grew tired of the excuses feminists made for some really badly behaved men, but at the same time abusing men who were guilty of nothing, while ignoring women who didn't fit their criteria or who could have really used their help. I have what I have because of me they have never be there to support or help when I needed it. I am not a business women just a business owner, I refuse to use gender or race to describe me, this was a big issue for me with feminists. Again I live in a free country so do what you want or believe in what you will but I am over feminism.

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I can relate…

First wave feminism was on point and very helpful. Second wave still quite good and helpful, but there was a beginning of crazyness and then third/modern wave lost the plot 😩

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Feminism needs a new PR manager these days but it doesn't look like they are doing much to make that happen.

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I have since found out that you're pushing various modern forms of Marxism, so I'm unfollowing in all aspects.

- you're for even dirtier energy (falsely called green energy)

- you're for AI (which takes away even more power from the populace while pretending the opposite)

- you're for women having more rights than men (while pretending equality)

...there's even more but that's enough.

Will now unsubscribe too...

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This wasn't the original feminist this Grace is referring to, but nonetheless her words as an original apply here:


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